Okay, I know this incident occurred in December of last year, so sue me. But I have my reasons for bringing it up now.
First of all, until three weeks ago, I didn't even know who Ayesha Curry was. I mean I'm on social media, but not on the magnitude that some people are, commenting on EVERY LITTLE THING said or done, and commenting on what so-called celebrities have said and done is definitely not the move for me.
However, some things have to be addressed, and this is one of them. Not just because of the ultra-sensitivity black feminists exhibited on this issue, but also how this reflects the tense environment concerning Black male-female relations on the whole. Yes, I am very critical of feminism and it's meteoric rise in the culture and psyche through all media outlets, but truth is truth, regardless of who delivers it.
A couple of weeks ago I was shown a blog post entitled Ayesha Curry Is A Threat To Black Feminism, written on March 9th, 2016, by one Ali Shakur, aka Hannibal X, a Youtube blogger and host of a podcast show called Hannibal At The Gate. Seeing that I was busy continuing with deconstructing the Beyonce Super Bowl performance, I put it over to the side, still curious as to what it meant, but not curious enough to interrupt what I was already working on. To be honest I wondered who was this Ayesha Curry, this woman who from my initial impression openly opposed feminism, and their pundits.
When I finally read the article, I was kinda taken aback, expecting to hear damning statements about feminism from this Ayesha The Feminist Slayer character that the title insinuated, but what I seemed to have gotten was a sensationalized article, taken out of context by virtually all parties involved.
First off, when I realized Ayesha Curry is the wife of All Pro Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry, my enthusiasm quickly turned to skepticism, because I usually don't perceive supposed celebrities or their spouses to make comments about political issues, especially when they concern the Black community. And after reading this blogpost, I rest my case.
Seems that this "threat to Black feminism" made comments in late December concerning certain unspecified attire that she considered to be trendy, and stating her opinion that although wearing barely anything in public seems to be the trend, she'd rather "save the good stuff for the one that matters".
Somehow the super-duper-ultra-sensitive felt shamed, and therefore a flurry of responses flew, reading more into what they felt Ayesha was implying, and immediated accusing Ayesha of feeling herself, and attacking women who wear provocative clothing in public. This seems commonplace for certain people who tend to read into everything as some type of shaming, or the new word "micro-aggression" against feminism, accusing others of being judgemental while they themselves exhibit the same tendencies, as shown in the last tweet, where the word "patriarchal" is used to assert that Ayesha is not thinking with her own mind, but instead is "indoctrinated" with what they consider "male thinking."
Now where the "slut shaming" accusation came from I have no earthly idea, but again, that's feminism for you. Or better yet, that's what liberalism is about...
By now you're asking yourself "Why so much energy on this ONE event?"
My response would be: Something's in the air, and it's not just that funky weed smoke I keep smelling in public nowadays. We have been witnessing a sociopolitical climate change that I feel intensified during 9/11 and Obama's Presidential elections. These are just two telltale events that conservatives use as fuel to recruit new believers and as they say "Take back America" in this war of ideas between conservatives and liberals, although the War on Ideas in America can go back to 1925 with the Daniel Scopes trial.
Today in America attention is being directed to 2.5 to 3 percent of the population who identify themselves as Muslims, being demonized and accused of attempting to take over this nation and "Islamicize" it, whatever the hell that means. Using "terrorist" attacks, alleging plots of biological terrorism that has been trumped recently by the events in Flint, Michigan, and the latest boogeyman, or in this case a boogeygroup with an English acronym and a mysterious khalifah as a pretext to demonize and ban a lifestyle that has very little if anything to do with those who don't ascribe themselves to being Muslims in the first place. It should be strongly noted that forcing people to adhere to a law when they don't believe in the way of life is nothing short of foolish, if not flat out stupid, and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an to support this idea anyway.
Yet we hear of the big, bad, radical Muslim, severing heads on the internet, calling to a distorted definition of jihad, blowing up him or herself and for some strange reason publicize their intent to kill, maim and destroy, in an effort to Islamicize the entire globe, starting with America, whether anybody likes it or not. This scare tactic then becomes fuel for the likes of conservatives Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, and any other conservative to use to rally America and the rest of the so-called free world to rid this menace. So now so-called patriots stand outside mosques, armed with weapons because of a claim, without looking deeply into the evidence, and asking who really benefits from such terrorists attacks?
Never mind the growing liberalization of America, especially in the areas of marriage, family, morals, something conservatives always pride themselves on. Never mind the abortion issue, the rise of feminism, the prevalence of pornography and the harmful effects, the fact that 20,000 people die annually from alcohol related issues, and the same sex marraige victory in the Supreme Court in which one conservative voted in favor. Never mind the secularization of America, and the growth of atheism. Nope, Islam is Public Enemy No. 1 here.
Simple. Since the movie Birth of A Nation, Blacks have always been portrayed as savage-like creatures, who if freed with wreak havoc on such a "blessed" nation, especially on White women. This technique was used to justify the creation of a White group, claiming to adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible, to keep the "savages" in line. It was eye-candy for racists who had never perceived Blacks as human beings in the first place, even if White men in Black face were used to get their point across.
And since that time any attempts made to either intergrate, assimilate or simply receive justice and self-determination in this society by and for Black people has been deemed as subversive, and detrimental to this nation by conservatives. Go figure. The demonization of the Black Panther Party by certain agencies serves as a reminder that America's melting pot and social status quo never meant to include Black people, regardless of certain "concessions" made in all spheres of American culture.
Rudy Giuliani exposed himself in criticizing Beyonce's Super Bowl performance by proclaiming what he saw as an attack on police by women in provocative getup, gyrating to a song proclaimed to be a Black pride anthem, sung by a self-proclaimed "bitch-slaying" feminist, which includes certain graphic sexual lyrics like;
When he f*** me good, I take his a** to Red Lobster, because I slay If he hit it right, I might take him on a flight on my chopper, because I slay
Wow...How could Giuliani or anyone see an attack on police with a song like Formation is beyond me. A video of a Black woman seductively sprawled on top of a sinking police vehicle is by no means revolutionary nor empowering to me, nor is a child in a black hoodie defiantly dancing in front of cops, who eventually raise their hands in submission does anything for me either. If anyone found that threatening, my belief is that they'll buy anything.
But some concern also goes to those who took this as something positive for Black people, that a feminist who would tell "bitches" to bow down, would promote hetero Black male figures that are now being dragged across the coals by Black liberals in some of the most disgusting ways is even more troubling for me.
Yep...Something's in the air...
But going back to Rudy, it seems he has a history of histrionics, creating or contributing to contrived events garnered to grab attention, such as the convoluted display of heroism during the 9/11 event. His constantly appearing in front of the cameras, posing to give off commands during rescue efforts, and his "take charge attitude" and "sincerity" won him the Time Magazine Person of the Year Award in 2001. Boy, you gotta give it up for propaganda.
The media circus that surrounded this event is just one of many ways some groups use to engineer consent to spread further injustice on an unknowning, unaware or unconcerned community of people, many who are either too preoccupied with frivolity or too uneducated to figure out what's in store for them. The recent repealling of key parts of the voting rights act of 1965, combined with the rise of right-wing militias, and the acquittals of the likes of George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, the Charleston, South Carolina shootings and others in the deaths of unarmed Black people indicate that things don't seem to look very bright for people of color in the United States in the near future, regardless of who takes the Presidency in this year's election.
Beyonce's Bogus Black Power tribute being criticized and protested by some shows that certain sectors of the American public will read into anything as some form of justification to take America back to its' early years. When people of color were held captive in chains and enslaved. But why would the liberal media take this event and broadcast and parade it as such is even more puzzling.
Now I'm really beginning to understand the meaning behind this recent plethora of slave movies.
Just like those Prophet Muhammad cartoon drawing contests.
Yep...Something's afoul in the air here... and it ain't just the weed smoke.
We are not White men; our people are more simple and direct. THEY BELIEVE WHAT THEY SEE. Believe in a man because he's there, not because he was there... a quote from the 1968 blaxploitation movie Black Jesus. You (Black people) go for it because you're chumps...You enjoy being lied to... Imam Jamil Al-Amin (formerly H. Rap Brown)
I admit I have a habit of looking in the wrong places. Sometimes.
What do I mean?
I wanted so badly to gather other information proving my point that Beyonce's Super Bowl performance was not a tribute to the late Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, or any Black Power movement for that matter, I briefly suspended my blogging for a few days, searching high and low on all media outlets beit mainstream, independent or social, looking for SOMEONE who had an ounce of a fraction of evidence corroborating with my position. I even resorted to watching Youtube videos by some members of the "Afrikan" or "conscious" community, you know that community that claims consciousness, and decries other Blacks as being brainwashed, constantly on the lookout for hints of Illuminati, berates religion, refers to Black people who believe in a diety other than themselves as "mental slaves"? Yeah those people. Well, suffice to say I didn't get anything useful from those videos other than the fact that there seem to be quite a few people out here ascribing supremacy, divinity, superior intelligence, and the whole nine to themselves, yet could not see beyond the surface of Beyonce's performance. Between the surprising celebrations of some, and skepticism of others, sprinkled with the usual Illuminati proclamations, and some even claiming the game was fixed, I found myself becoming despondent, and eventually took a brief pause from the blog.
I was at the point of deciding to just post images on the last part of this blog, when I spotted this video on Youtube.
To sum it up, it seems that a White feminist, a singer named Arika Kane, took offense to the performance, due to the exclusivity of only Black female dancers in Beyonce's performance. She tweeted her disdain of the performance, to which TV One newsman Roland Martin responded with his own tweet;
Arika's tweet set members of a social group called Black Twitter on the defensive, as well as a host of other Black people, who quickly responded with a plethora of tweets, youtube video responses, and the like, mostly in defense of Beyonce's performance and video. Azealia Banks, known for her Twitter tirades, took Arika to task.
But the Arika Kane tweet sticks out, if we were to pay closer attention. Apparently Beyonce's stealth tribute to Black feminism was picked up by some White feminists who felt slighted, and as expected they made comments about it. I get it, just like I got that song Formation, which many Blacks took as empowering, though the video did not match with the lyrics, but that's another blog.
Meanwhile many Blacks sat by, judging her performance solely on what was perceived, not referring to any true historical references, nor making any clear analysis, and being enchanted only with the imagery on the television or the field. Such is the way of subversion.
If you pay close attention to the above video, you would notice the TV One network news host Roland Martin going in on Arika Kane, along with Michelle Bernard, giving her perspective on the matter. But the question to ask is why them?
TV One is partly owned by Catherine Hughes, a black woman, the only television company partially owned by a minority. If you take that into consideration with the fact that Michelle also describes herself as a feminist, you would understand why they would become upset and make light of the insinuations made by Arika, and the catfight begins.
But what is really missed is the fact that feminism was not supposed to be the central theme of Beyonce's performance in the first place.
Or was it?
Have we been hoodwinked again?
Black feminism, or Womanism, as some would like to refer to it as, has been used by the corporate conglomerates and other entities to perpetuate the gender war between Black men and women, and make a profit from it as well, no doubt about it. Claims of heteropatriarchy, Black male incompetence, and Black men intentionally throwing Black women and Black LGBT members "under the bus" flood the airwaves, beit Oprah and her propaganda network OWN, talk shows, the Shonda Rhimes legacy being built, supported and propagated by the ABC television network, Ebony Magazine's hiring of Keirna Mayo, a self-proclaimed Black feminist who caused quite a stir last November with the controversial "Family Issue" regarding Bill Cosby's sexual assault allegations, Univision's purchase of The Root, a notoriously feminist online publication that validated even V. Stiviano's "gold-digging hustle", the movie The Perfect Guy, starring Sanaa Lathan, which premiered on September 11th of last year (never forget, huh?), the selecting of Serena Williams as Sportsperson of the Year in 2015, and Spike Lee's failed film "Chiraq"for its Black feminist overtones and satirizing the violence in Chicago. Factor all of this in with the fact that The Black Lives Matter Movement is a feminist/LGBT organization, and you should come to the quick conclusion that things just don't look good for hetero Black men in America right now.
And who can forget last year's Emmy Award acceptance speech made by Viola Davis after winning the award for How To Get Away With Murder? Remember that diatribe she made, as if to give the impression that everyone is sitting in the lap of luxury except the Black woman? As is Black men are laced out, living it up at the expense of Black women? I mean c'mon sister.
Her famous proclamation that the only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity received much applause from the likes of Black women, and even some Black men, even some "conscious" men, but it didn't sit too well with the likes of Patricia Arquette. To women like her this was not the time or place to champion such an issue.
See game recognizes game. Feminists knew just what Beyonce was trying to pull at the Super Bowl. Some White feminists didn't mind, supporting it for its wide range implications, but others like Arika, did not take too kindly, because of what appeared to be exclusionary and divisive. But what some White feminists don't realize that in some instances, they too can become collateral damage in the bigger scheme. Who cares about a handful of pissed off White feminists when you're specifically targeting the Black community? See White feminism causes immediate suspicion among the Black community in America, so you need the ace in the hole, a Black feminist to drive the wedge in the Black community. Madonna, Taylor, Miley and the like can't do it, but Nikki, Beyonce, Oprah and other influential Black women who ascribe to this "skrong, independent Black woman" and "Brothers Ain't Sh*t" theory can. Such is the way of tokenism.
Since Beyonce claims to be a feminist, then she must abide by the rules set by feminists, e.g. the White feminists. She can't continue this schizophrenic pace of trying to maintain "relevancy" in all areas, especially if you've made it perfectly clear that you describe yourself as a feminist. After all, feminism was mainly a White, middle-class, female phenomenon, brought on by White liberals, having nothing to do with the plight of women of color, regardless of how women of all races try to "intersectionalize" feminism in terms of race. Not including your White feminist sisters, who introduced Black women to the concept of feminism in the first place, may come back to haunt you when they cry foul, and some may expose your plan in the end. Like Arika Kane. You need to clue them in next time.
Look, it's a known fact by now the NFL has become radically feminized and politically correct, and Girl Power is one of the predominate themes here, as exemplified by the hiring of female coaches, the commemoration of Breast Cancer awareness month, which brings in dollars from the sales of "pink" attire, and the impact of women leading to the expulsion of Ray Rice for his part in the altercation between he and his wife. I say altercation and not domestic violence, because it clearly was not a case of a man just "abusing" his wife.
Some of us know women makeup the largest consumer base in the world. Some of us have actually done some studying on Edward L. Bernays, and some have read books like Brandwashed, Buyology, and The Hidden Persuaders.
So for future references, there's really no need to hide anymore. And to have the media, whether conservative or liberal, intentionally mislead people with Black Power/Nationalist/Liberation references at a time when heterosexual Black men are being demonized, profiled, disenfranchised, imprisoned and killed in America is just plain ridiculous.
New site, late goodbye
Hello, Friends!
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