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Friday, March 27, 2009

If it Ain't One Thing.......

Peace Y'all,

It's been about 3 weeks since I posted something here, which I consider a long time for a "wordy little birdy" like me(lol)! In the meantime, I thank God that my cold is pretty much gone.

Initially I had intended to take the first weekend in March as a break, to give my body a chance to heal. I'm glad I did, for that weekend the flu bug swept through Dallas, affecting loved ones and co-employees alike. That Saturday I could do nothing but lay in the bed. My body was sore and aching, I could not eat anything.

Then the following Sunday and Monday I got a surprise when I found out that many of my co-workers suffered from the flu, and we spent those two days doing 3 times the amount of work.

Now I am fine, still coughing a little, but it's a lot better than before, which means I can get back on the scene. It was very frustrating these past three weeks, but glimmers of light always seem to come through. My Iseecolor friend Shannon Grissom has invited my on her social network entitled Give Your Walls Some Soul. She is a very talented sister in the arts, and she thought so much of my work she sent me a personal invite. In it are fellow artists from all walks of life who are very talented and we are beginning to rub elbows.

I also have invites for Facebook, which I am seriously looking into also. Looks like Twitter will be suffering severely, but to be honest with you, Twitter does not seem to be my cup of tea, so to speak. Mini blogs are great, but it seems like most people are out to collect followers.

Anyway, stay tuned.....Great to be back!!!!!

Take care.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Little Sumthin' Diff'rent

Peace Y'all,

My health is deteriorating again, but you've heard that song before right? Some of us never learn when to sit down!(lol)

It's 9:26am, and I'm trying this again. I posted this blog last night, but somehow, someway it disappeared. Anyway it is a beautiful poem about overcoming adversity in life. I try not overburden my friends with some people call "Doom and Gloom" although it is essential to remind people about the life we are living, and the society we are living in. It's great to hear any type of consolation and encouragement from people, and part of the Quwwa Project is to accept contributions from any positive and truthful source. I told you I was an information addict, and I will stop by anybody's site and pick from the smorgasbord of information. Just ask Wild Peach, Freely Speaking and others.

It is a poem entitled The Monkey Wrench, and the sister who was very kind to allow me to JACK- I'm sorry, I mean reprint this has a website and a blog entitled Yarncoture. It is copywritten so any requests to reprint this should be directed to her blog.

Reprinted by permission, Courtesy of Yarncoture.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The MoNkEy WrenCH (poetry from the soul...)
I want to hip you all up to this thing called the monkey wrench;
No one knows what it looks like or when it will hit but
when it hits you just get sick.
Your stomach is churning and turning and your soul is yearning for relief.
The gears in your mind are crashing and clacking while the monkey wrench continues to jam them...
You say to yourself "how could this be?? how could this happen to me??..ME!!!"

But you see, the monkey wrench has a plan to win;
to defeat will treat you like a fool: you know, the fool that everyone thinks that you are...
By far, you are no fool and also have a plan.
Never fall in the same hole has been said!
If you let the monkey wrench's power overtake you, you'll be dead..
Your heart will cry in grief and your soul will scream for mercy over the monkey wrench's controversy and your mind will be spent.
What?? My plan, you ask? It is quite simple you see..

Patience is the key, you see..
In order for the monkey wrench's plan to work it must enrage you,
enough to make you act like a lion that's been locked up in a cage with no meat.
You see, you must stay as a cucumber....don't let 'em see you sweat.
Always have a back-up plan, a frozen dinner waiting in the freezer, an extra change of clothes or whatever! Just prepare yourself for the monkey wrench's's not fear, it's just survival!
Don't act like the lion in the cage; when let loose it devours everything in sight.
Believe me when I tell you, I understand your plight.
FIGHT with intelligence..FIGHT with strong character...FIGHT with dignity...
Only the posessor of these qualities will defeat the monkey wrench, you see...
Victory is yours and YES you have defeated it and only the foolish will flee and succumb to the monkey wrench's power. But it will be back! It will continue to test Man until the HOUR...

...until the next time...


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