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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Enough Already!!!

Peace y'all

Well today I almost lost it! That's right, Q went off and just started spittin' what he felt. Normally I don't do tangients and tantrums(hey that sounds like a great title for a rap album!)but this could not be held in. I have been working at this glorified craphole for almost 3 years and I have heard every weak excuse this side of 9/11 as why I have yet to see a raise(as well as the workers as a group)among other insults to the intelligence. Now the latest crop of doo-doo that was thrown to my team was that we are solely responsible for losing $120,000 to a client who refuses to pay for support, or lack thereof. This little red-headed rodent with a God complex basically held us responsible for why this penny-pinching hole-in-the-wall corporate client does not want to pay, yet would not admit that this faux pas was the product of the companys' failing attempt to restructure, streamline and introduce substandard micromanagement tactics designed to take advantage of employees' fears of losing jobs and allow these bite-size tyrants in the upper offices to increase their pocketbooks.

People have been buttered up and down like corn on the cobb just to work here, then once they bring them in, they ring up the most despicable excuses as to why they won't receive a raise, and it's always the employee's fault. This is a sad state of affairs when hard working human beings are stripped of their dignity and insulted with lies. Just tell me you are going to jerk me, don't lie to me, because one day they will lie to the wrong person.... so do you still wonder why some people go postal? Who wants to devote their hard work and sweat and for some people loss of family time just to be discarded like a sh****ty diaper?

It won't get to that point with me, for I know where my sustenance comes from(Ar-Razzaq), and it didn't come from these fools. It was already written, I'm just playing the part. But for some poor flag-saluting, FOX News watching, God Bless America and forget everybody else-sentiment-having sap, to have this happen and watch his beloved country transform into a corporate-ruled tyranny, this should drive them batty. What gets me is that people see this nonsense, and do nothing about it because somewhere in the deep dark unused portions of our brain, we still believe this is the best country in the world. Every day our liberties are being taken and every excuse there is some "foreign threat" that seeped into the hallowed landscapes of this country and are now plotting to take over, giving rise to the need to restrict movement and speech and this need to send forces out to combat the threat. But the real threat is internal, but we accept this and say stupid stuff like I don't mind having some of my liberties taken to ensure my freedom.


The same tactics apply at the plantation(workforce), people are having their movement and freedom restricted over bogus excuses, but here we let it happen. This spells nothing but trouble for the American. What will it take before we wake up and see who is really behind all of this, whether it's the job or the world as a whole? Tell you what, it definitely isn't a rag wearing Arab sitting in the cave with a billy goat as his only immediate friend cookin' up some scheme to rule the world!

God Help Us......

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Lil' Sumpthin'

Peace all,

Blog is on the way, but just wanted to fill ya in on the happenings here. I will be releasing some wearable art very soon, so stay tuned. I am working very hard to break from this place of work which is very draining and stressful, and keeping deadlines whether I made them on myself or someone else made them becomes chaotic. I have pushed the dates back so much that even I myself is getting tired of hearing about something that has yet to come to fruition.

Which makes me wonder.....What the heck ever happened to the NEA, the National Endowment of Arts association? I mean far beit for me to believe that Sam is going to fund me some money to make social commentary art, but it's just amazing when I read about how supposed millions of dollars are supposedly allocated to the arts every year, yet no one really gets to see the results, well at least us po' folks don't.

I'm getting tired of witnessing people who can contribute to the upliftment of society in an artistic manner, but have to scrap and scrounge just to get noticed. Who knows how many great poets are lurking in the midst of the cafe lounges trying to be heard, or visual artists trying to get their expression out to the public, but also have to clock in the morning after.....Talk about a kill joy!

More on that later, but in the meantime here is a nice vid I saw about graffiti art and one of my favorites, Mohammed Ali. I'll be back....Peace

Burnley Murals from Mohammed Ali - Aerosol Arabic on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ya Likes?

Peace all,

I had an intense blog planned for this past week, but this past week had me really stressed out, except for the fact I received a beautiful piece of art from my blog friend Sheila, and I am in the process of finishing up a piece for her. I will show the beautiful work she gave me in the near future....

This is an official logo for some wearable art I am in the process of creating. It's something I am real excited about and it allows me to flex my old art muscles in creating wearable art. I plan to use whatever materials I have available and will keep you all posted on new apparel and new items appearing.

In the meantime if I feel up to putting out my belated blog, I will do so, but the situation at my job has increased dramatically, nothing short of despicable. So let me lighten up the room a bit before I attempt to go into deep mode.

Stay tuned my peeps...I've just begun.

Love ya.

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