A lot of changes are happening on this blog as we speak, mainly the addition of the menu bar right below the Quwwa logo. This will give people the opportunity to link up with the other ventures I am involved in, mainly the addition of my Youtube channel, the Etsy Store and Zazzle store links. For a while people have been asking about purchasing some of my artworks, now finally they can go to either Etsy or Zazzle and check out the latest additions to the Quwwa repetoire. I also have plans for prints and posters to be sold as well so stay tuned for that too. Also coming soon will be a gallery exposing my work, and maybe even a complete website, showing all of the latest events, bio, gallery and other things. One other note, I know some may have experienced having to listen to the opening of my Blogtalkradio interview with Coach K and Angel. Well I have also created a link for those who would like to listen to the interview as well as the interview with my friend Tania-Maria Xavier of ColoredPeople. Net without having to turn off the interview as soon as you go to my blog. Just click on the link Blogtalkradio and enjoy.
More info on the The Lost Ones Exhibition coming up! Love you!
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