Peace all...
OK I promised that I would hit you with the good, bad and the ugly, but all I delivered was the bad, so let's deal with some good, shall we?
The Back and Forth exhibit that was planned to be shown during February is being altered as we speak. For starters the name will be changed to Grey Matters because I'm wanting to do this exhibit in a particular fashion, but still keep the content about racial matters in America and throughout the world, but I felt Black History Month would not be appropriate for it, due to the subject matter which goes against what most people think Black History Month is all about, which is remembering the events that happened yesteryear, mainly focusing on either issues of civil rights, or the recent "achievements" made by Blacks in America. This focus kinda clouds the realities that continue to go on in America as well as on a global scale. It's one thing for others outside the community to shy away from what's really going on, but when one is on the receiving end of such atrocities that existed even in the civil rights era, their denial or refusal to confront the issues are really the true detriment to the achievement of human rights and equality. Take for instance Dallas' first Black mayor is now noted for his work with the UN in brokering "trade agreements" in the Phillipines. One must ask oneself a number of questions like why would a person whose ancestors may have been slaves themselves take part in the re-enslavement of people of color? Issues like this puts a major stain in Black History Month, forcing us to begin to ask questions about civil rights, affirmative action and so-forth. What is it really all about? We still see blatant racism in this so called "colorblind society" and now we see a covert war in our midst.
So with that in mind among other issues, I felt I could not project the exhibit in a fashion that I thought people could benefit from and begin to move forward.
Anyway I received good news from the librarian that she will be exhibiting African American Art during this month anyway, so I am in the process of hitting up a few pieces to sorta "make way for the real thing".
In addition to this ya boy Q is working on some videos to add to the repetoire, and I got my airbrush back too, so mixed media, here I come!!!!
More later, God Willing...CWATIC
Celebrate National Pizza Day (February 9th) at Over Under Sports Bar
Over Under Sports Bar in Dallas is celebrating National Pizza Day with its
Elote Pizza, available from February 9th throughout the month. This unique
1 hour ago